A corpse tries to withdraw his pension at the post office

Did men bring the corpse of a loved one to the post office to collect their pension or did the death take place on the spot? Irish police announced on Monday that they are looking into the case.

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Media reports say two men are believed to have transported the stiff to a post office in Carlow, southeast Dublin, on Friday morning to collect his pension money, but one claimed to the Sunday World newspaper that “he was alive when we left the house”.

The two men had previously asked the post office employees if they could collect his pension in his place, because he was ill, which they had been refused.

“We had to lift him up and take him to the post office, but he never got his money back,” said one, firmly denying that the death had taken place before.

‘He probably died at the post office – I believe he collapsed towards the freezer where the ice creams are,’ one of the men said.

A post-mortem examination of the man, believed to be 66, ruled out any foul play.

Irish police said in a statement they are investigating the events which unfolded in the business and are “linked to the man’s recent death”.

According to the Irish Times, the deceased lived about 500 yards from the post office and police are investigating “what condition” he was in when he was taken from his home to the business.

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