a contingency plan to shorten delays



Article written by

D. Schlienger, C. Fabre, L. Florentin, France 3 Languedoc-Roussillon, C. Beauvalet – France 3

France Televisions

An emergency plan has been put in place to reduce delays in renewing identity papers. In some regions, the municipalities are taking over to relieve the services of the saturated prefectures.

To Saint-Chinian (Herault), you have to get up early to get an identity document. That morning, more than 550 people were present in the waiting rooms of the town hall of the town, one of the few to accept requests without an appointment, but only for emergencies. “All appointments are from August, and I leave before August”says a resident.

I would like the other town halls to help me a little bit and do a bit of emergency”Explain Sylvie Etienne, administrative assistant at the town hall of Saint-Chinian, who is overwhelmed. In France, it takes 65 days on average to get an appointment, compared to barely 12 last year. The government promises an emergency plan to process 50,000 additional requests per week. In concrete terms, 160 agents have just been hired and professional requests will be given priority. In addition, to unclog town halls before the summer, identity papers expired for less than five years will remain valid for school exams and registration for driving licenses.

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