The Prime Minister’s general policy declaration was expected a month after his appointment to Matignon.
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Michel Barnier detailed his government’s roadmap to deputies on Tuesday, October 1. In his general policy declaration, the Prime Minister notably committed to reducing France’s public deficit to 5% of GDP in 2025 by using “large companies” and the “The most fortunate French people”launched a “reflection” on proportional representation and announced a postponement of local elections in New Caledonia.
The left does not see “a break with macronism”
Eric Coquerel, LFI-NFP deputy for the 1st constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis, “did not see a break with macronism on the economic and social level” in Michel Barnier’s general policy declaration. This speech “announces the continuation of a policy which will mainly attack public spending”says the president of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly on franceinfo.
If the Prime Minister announced a “exceptional contribution of the most fortunate French people”, Eric Coquerel “wait to see the proportion between the reduction in public spending, which is expected to amount to several tens of billions of euros, and the temporary increase in taxes for a few large companies”. On the postponement of provincial elections in New Caledonia, Michel “Barnier is right to liquidate Macron’s disastrous policy in New Caledonia-Kanaky”reacted Jean-Luc Mélenchon for his part. In another tweet, the leader of La France insoumise also considered that it was a speech “hollow, pontificating, repeating banalities, it is not an action program but a countdown before liquidation”.
In the hemicycle, the leader of the rebellious deputies, Mathilde Panot, called on the centrist parties, notably Horizons and Modem, to “censor” this government. Mathilde Panot notably accuses the executive of “crawl in front of the extreme right”. “We do not fear you, for you are the chaos”she adds.
For Marine Tondelier, national secretary of ecologists-EELV, Michel Barnier “has a much more concrete program for prisons than for schools.” “It’s very sad”she lamented on X. On the same social network, the environmentalist deputy Sandrine Rousseau believes that the Prime Minister “he tried to reassure through boredom and monotony, he only succeeded in giving the image of a France turned towards the past”.
Olivier Faure, first secretary of the PS, denounced a “speech alternating between helplessness and resignation”on X. This speech “pushes, at best, weakly open doors”according to the deputy for Seine-et-Marne. “Mr Prime Minister, we contest your government as we contest your political project, because we consider that it does not respect the will of the French men and women”declared Boris Vallaud to the National Assembly, as president of the Socialists and Related Group. The leader of PS deputies denounces a majority “in collusion” and a government whose future “depends” of the National Rally.
The presidential camp judges the speech “constructive and unifying”
“Michel Barnier’s general policy speech was serious, solid, constructive and unifying”assured on François Bayrou, president of MoDem and mayor of Pau. “Each of the options announced will be examined in the debates. But on this back-to-school day, it corresponded to the emergency and moved towards a more positive climate. Welcome!”
The groups participating in the government have not “never denied” their “sometimes profound differences”declared Gabriel Attal, at the National Assembly as president of the Ensemble pour la République (EPR) group. “The French are not asking us to erase our differences, but to act”added the former Prime Minister. “Let us live up to France. France will never be reduced to three blocks”he continued.
Gabriel Attal also responded to Michel Barnier’s proposal to make large fortunes and large companies contribute for a better “tax justice” believing that it was necessary “less spending and certainly no more taxes”.
The Republican right assures the government of total “support”
“He’s a right-wing Prime Minister” who must “obviously compose” with the “governmental coalition that has been put in place”estimates Ian Boucard, Republican Right deputy for the Territoire de Belfort, on franceinfo. “We are working hard to try to move the cursor as far as possible” towards “the legislative pact that we proposed last July and around Laurent Wauquiez and Bruno Retailleau”says the vice-president of the Republican Right group in the National Assembly. “Michel Barnier is paving his way for France and the French. Let’s give him time to succeed!”tweeted Philippe Gosselin, deputy of Les Républicains de la Manche.
Bruno Retailleau will have “all of our support” For “reset our rights”declared Laurent Wauquiez to the National Assembly as president of the Republican Right group.
The far right will judge the government “for its actions”
“These tax increases will have to be offset by measures for the middle classes and working French people”declared on franceinfo Laure Lavalette, member of the National Rally. “There is a big difference between the general policy speech and the budget, which is why we will be very attentive”continues the RN deputy.
“The national movement does not intend to lead the country towards chaos”declared Marine Le Pen, who confirms that the National Rally will not censor the Barnier government. The president of the RN group in the Assembly assures that she will judge the government of Michel Barnier “to deeds”after the Prime Minister’s general policy statement.
Marine Le Pen notably listed her “red lines”on economic and budgetary issues, but also on immigration. “We ask you to put a restrictive immigration law back on the agenda from the first quarter of 2025”she adds. “It is only by your actions that we judge you, never on the basis of childish posturesshe continues, our deputies will be supportive if you can show courage.”