A condom spotted in a sequence… Shocking images that unleash passions!

Right now, Koh-Lanta: The Cursed Totem makes the beautiful hours of the first channel. On the island of Palawan in the Philippines, the participants struggle to go further in the competition. Recently, Nicolas was eliminated after the council orchestrated by Denis Brogniart. For a handful of aficionados of the show, the latter was a “traitor” who “deserved his elimination”.

“I was Green at the start of the game and that’s when I made the most connections. Whether with Pauline, Ambre, François… But after nine days, I was the only ex-Green to find myself with the Yellows. I was squeezed between five old purples and four old blues. So between people who already knew each other! », did he analyze for Tele-Leisure.“I tightened my buttocks so as not to be eliminated while particularly appreciating people like Setha or Bastien”.

For the other candidates still in the running, all shots are allowed to last in the race. However, some people have come closer over time. Like Amber and Bastien. Last week, they also spent the night together out of sight. For having won a comfort test, the duo was able to recharge the batteries in luxury berths.

“I’m sure they’ve concluded…”

On the screen, their complicity fascinates internet users to the highest degree. “I’m sure they’ve concluded”, “It’s not possible, something happened”, “OMG… When will the formalization be between them? ! », can we read on social networks. This Tuesday, May 31, 2022, a Twitter noted an intriguing detail in this past sequence of Koh-Lanta. Not a little proud, he brought to light the presence of a latex case of a condom…

For him, Ambre and Bastien would have concluded! “It seems credible to me knowing that the production provides it to the participants and seeing what we have seen of them…”, he analyzed. However, other Internet users seemed divided on this hypothesis: “It’s very small for a condom”, “It’s a Ketchup wrapper”. The mystery remains…


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