a condemned Russian opponent, big cocaine catch in Sicily


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Like every day, the 11 p.m. news takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Monday April 17th.

In Russia, maximum penalty for an opponent. His crime, to have criticized the regime of Vladimir Putin and the invasion in Ukraine. Vladimir Kara-Murza has just been sentenced to 25 years in prison for high treason in a harsh regime penal colony. Nothing to discourage him according to his lawyer: “When he heard the verdict, he said it raised his self-esteem, he did the right thing and got the maximum sentence for acting as a citizen and a patriot.”. A sentence immediately criticized by the European Union. The British and American ambassadors also denounced a travesty of justice.

Two tonnes of cocaine seized off Sicily

In Poland, a showdown with the European Union over Ukrainian wheat. Since Saturday, Poland and Hungary have banned any import or transit of Ukrainian wheat. A response to demonstrations by farmers who can no longer sell their crops, strangled by the massive arrival of cheaper products. The European Union has condemned this embargo, Poland is backtracking. “Talks are underway with the Ukrainian side to settle this matter”, said Robert Telus, Polish Minister of Agriculture. The European Union could grant new subsidies to compensate for the shortfall and unblock the situation.

In Italy, two tons of cocaine discovered in the open sea. Divided into 1,600 well-sealed packages, this cargo was dropped off Sicily and spotted by plane by the financial brigade, which recovered the loot. “The drug probably comes from South America. A place that traditionally produces cocaine”, explained the colonel of the financial guard of Catania (Italy). A nice catch of at least 400 million euros.

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