A conclusion is in sight between the Minister of Health Christian Dubé and family doctors regarding the GAP

The Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, affirms that there will be a “conclusion” this Thursday in the file of negotiations with the Federation of General Practitioners of Quebec (FMOQ) regarding the Front Line Access Desk (GAP). ).

“There have been serious developments in the last few hours. We cannot reveal anything now, but we will have a conclusion today,” the minister’s office said in a statement. Duty. Further details will be provided “as soon as possible”.

Mr. Dubé first revealed this information on Paul Arcand’s microphone, on 98.5 FM, in the morning. However, he did not want to confirm whether an agreement would be reached between the two parties.

The FMOQ and Quebec had until 1er June to conclude an agreement allowing appointments to be made for orphan patients through the GAP. Since then, far fewer appointment slots have been available for these patients, argued the minister in an interview with Paul Arcand. “There is a shortage of 15,000 appointments,” he explained.

Joined by The duty, the Federation of General Practitioners of Quebec said it had arrived “at a time when everything that had to be discussed was discussed”. “The FMOQ made several proposals at the negotiating table. We will see if the minister’s optimism will be confirmed. »

Further details will follow.

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