a complicated back-to-school week for children, parents and teachers



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After two weeks of vacation, Monday January 3 marked the start of the school year. While a protocol has been put in place, the government has relaxed it in order to avoid too many class closures.

The health protocol was lightened between Thursday 6 and Friday 7 January. Now, when a positive case is revealed, all students in the class must perform an antigen and PCR test and two free self-tests at D + 2 and D + 4. A measure that is still restrictive for parents, because obtaining a free self-test is not easy. Indeed, pharmacies are often out of stock. Yes the numbers of cases are multiply among students, teaching staff is also affected. Thursday, January 6, 5,600 teachers were declared positive.

A new debate has opened for the generalization of the wearing of a mask FFP2 for teachers, but this request is currently rejected by the government. Yet the Most specialists believe that masks FFP2 protect more. Despite everything, in Limoges (Haute-Vienne), some schools have taken the lead by purchasing thousands of masks FFP2. For kindergarten teachers, this is good news, because kindergarten children are not masked.

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