a complaint was lodged against X for “registration on the electoral lists by means of a false certificate”

Claire Monod, former EELV candidate in the 2017 legislative elections, filed a complaint against X for “undue registration on the electoral lists of Sandrine Rousseau”. She criticizes the ecologist deputy for having provided a false certificate attesting to her residence in the 13th arrondissement of Paris.

Claire Monod, former EELV candidate in the 2017 legislative elections, filed a complaint against X for facts “undue registration on the electoral lists of Sandrine Rousseau, by means of a false certificate”, learned this Wednesday France Inter, Le Monde, Paris Match and AFP. The complaint, which France Inter was able to consult, was sent today to the Paris prosecutor’s office.

The current co-president of the Cité Ecologique Institute criticizes the ecologist deputy for having provided a “false certificate attesting to his residence in the 13th arrondissement of Paris” thus allowing her to run in the same constituency as her in 2022 (after having obtained 9.7% of the vote in 2017, Claire Monod indeed wished to run again in 2022 in the 9th constituency of Paris, in the 13th arrondissement, where she lives).

No residence in the 13th arrondissement of Paris

Sandrine Rousseau had to live in the district where she wanted to run. She also had to live in this arrondissement in order to be registered on the electoral lists and to be able to vote subsequently in this same arrondissement. The environmentalist later admitted that she was planned to live in an apartment in the 13th, which she ultimately did not go to, before taking another apartment a few weeks later, the date of the lease of which is later than that of registrations on the electoral lists.

The complaint reports that “on March 1, 2022, three days before the closing of registrations on the electoral lists and the validation of the lists of candidates by the Federal Council of EELV, Madame Rousseau produced a certificate at the town hall of the 13th arrondissement of Paris insurance established by the GMF”.

Claire Monod says she is “shocked

Questioned by France Inter, Claire Monod said to herself “shocked”. She criticizes Sandrine Rousseau for a “inconsistency between grand speeches and practices” : “There is a clear, radical, so-called eco-feminist discourse. She condemns, she plays ‘mothers virtue’ and behind, she herself uses all these codes, these practices which are no longer acceptable”.

For Claire Monod, “this fraudulent certificate had several consequences for Mrs. Rousseau (…) It allowed her to register on the electoral lists of the town hall of the 13th arrondissement for the presidential and legislative elections”the deadline for registration being set at March 4, 2022.

According to Claire Monod’s complaint, EELV nominates its candidates for the legislative elections according to various criteria, including their place of residence: “It is traditional that they present themselves in the constituency where they live and are active and are chosen by a vote of the militants”. The text adds: “To ensure the place of deputy, she [Sandrine Rousseau] then looked for another constituency [que Lille] and chose the 9th in Paris, in the 13th arrondissement at the end of January 2022”.

Sandrine Rousseau invested despite the vote of activists in favor of Claire Monod

The complainant considers that this decision and “the arrival of Ms. Sandrine Rousseau in the constituency a month before the process of nominating candidates by the decision-making bodies and party members” ‘hindered’ her investiture”. Claire Monod asserts that “despite the vote of the militants of the 13th section of EELV in his favor“, it is Sandrine Rousseau who has been invested as an EELV candidate “thanks to the production of this false certificate”.

Asked about this point in the program “Further Investigation” broadcast on France 2 on April 13, 2023, Sandrine Rousseau responds: “There was a sublet project because it was a furnished apartment and at the time I was looking for a furnished apartment. Finally, I settled in an unfurnished apartment because the sublet n was not possible”. The former candidate for the primary of her party for the presidential election adds: “In addition, the electoral lists ending on March 4 yes, I bet on this sublease to settle in the 13th”. Sandrine Rousseau then tells the journalist who questions her that she will provide him with the lease she finally signed to live in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. The document is dated April 14, 2022.

Another apartment found after the elections

The program points to the fact that the ecologist nevertheless voted in this borough during the first round of the presidential election on April 10, 2022: “It was played a few days and as there was a closing of the electoral lists, yes, I bet on this sublease”.

In a Twitter video from “Further Investigation” dated April 14, 2023, we see another extract from the program in which Sandrine Rousseau once again responds to this point. She states: “There is talk of me living there, I have my apartment two, three weeks later. In the end, that was not the case. I had to go to this apartment and finally I found another one. This [le document] was not a fake since I was supposed to live in this apartment. It’s a shame, I’m sorry but I really had to keep him busy”.

The rules of the electoral code diverted?

For his part, Jérôme Karsenti, lawyer for Claire Monod, explains that the purpose of this complaint “is to have the law and the courts recognize that a criminal fault, a criminal offence, has been committed by Sandrine Rousseau”. He adds that “there, obviously, Sandrine Rousseau has bitten on the red line and she voluntarily – in the case of a personal approach to be able to be elected to the National Assembly – diverted the rules of the electoral code”.

Note that this offense is punishable by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros as well as an additional penalty of ineligibility of up to 5 years.

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