A complaint for “illegal taking of interests” against Eric Dupond-Moretti dismissed

The complaint was filed by the Union of Judges in March 2022.

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A complaint filed last March for “illegal taking of interests” targeting the Minister of Justice and former lawyer Eric Dupond-Moretti was dismissed, franceinfo learned Monday, May 2 from a judicial source, confirming information from BFMTV.

The complaint had been lodged with the Court of Justice of the Republic by the Syndicate Union of Magistrates (USM), which accused the minister of having asked the General Inspectorate of Justice for a “situation review” of the court call from Cayenne. This inspection targets, according to the USM, the first president of the jurisdiction Marie-Laure Piazza with whom Eric Dupond-Moretti had a “serious incident” when he was a lawyer.

After the filing of this complaint, the Ministry of Justice had indicated that the Keeper of the Seals intended to sue the USM for “slanderous denunciation” and denounced a “inconsistent attack”, “pure political communication operation directed against the executive”.

Eric Dupond-Moretti is also indicted for “illegal taking of interests” following another complaint filed by the USM and the Syndicate of the Judiciary in December 2020. They accuse him of having taken advantage of his functions of minister to request administrative inquiries against three magistrates of the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) and against a former examining magistrate.

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