a comic full of fat and sugar

It is a global phenomenon, still too little documented, with which Emilie Gleason and Arthur Croque confront us. The first is a designer, the second a journalist. It’s about junk food.

Hide this cheesecake that I can’t see

Sorry for the familiarity of the term, but we can’t decently talk about simple food here. Junk Foodjunk food, in english, subtitled The underside of an addictionpaints the portrait of very real people, confronted with one of the most pernicious drugs of our time: the sublime and deadly fat-sugar mixture, which one finds, for example, in a package of chewy donuts.

Mickey’s sweet treat

It begins with the story of the three groups of rats. The one who is only given sausages and bacon; the one who will be entitled to sweets and sodas; and the one who will only be fed cheesecakes.

Result: if you give your rat only fat, it doesn’t get fat, it stops in time. If you feed him exclusively sugar, it’s not pretty – even cocaine-addicted rats prefer sugar – but it’s still manageable.

But with the cheesecake, it’s hell! 50% fat – 50% sugar: the brain burns and always demands more of this absolute pleasure, available over the counter! You would see the critters drawn by Emilie Gleason… the crazy eyes, and the huge belly.

A global phenomenon

The young woman embarked on her crusade because of her Mexican cousins. Come to visit him, they buy two liters of cola, which they spit out immediately. Impossible to drink without adding two spoonfuls of sugar in each glass.

The phenomenon is beginning to raise awareness. Emilie Gleason and Arthur Croque have found, particularly in the United States, self-help groups of these food addicts.

“10% of the world’s population is “addicted” to food in a society where they are not taken seriously, medically and humanely.”

Designer Emilie Gleason

at franceinfo

In this comic, you will come across very different profiles. Take Iago, with his bodybuilder body adored on Instagram. If he does sports at very high doses, it is to burn the calories he swallows without limits.

Three years of investigation, a host of testimonies, more than 220 pages, to slalom between multiple temptations, the hell of advertisements, loss of control and withdrawals never won.

Emilie Gleason’s cartoonish, burlesque and colorful design lightens up this uplifting comic book in a rather jubilant way, to be consumed without moderation.

Junk Foodpublished by Casterman.

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