A columnist of “TPMP” recounts having experienced being arrested by … the FBI

Benjamin Castaldi took the reins of the penultimate issue of TPMP even in summer on C8. The moderator opened the column transport anecdotes chapter. They took turns explaining what adventure they had experienced on the train or plane.

Jean-Pascal Lacoste said he had intimate relationships on an old train several years ago. Eric Mendes, was taken out of a train by the railway police. For her part, Ludivine Rétory, illegally (unknowingly) spent counterfeiting while she was traveling to Martinique, Magali Berdah had the fear of her life when her plane almost crashed while Aurore Aleman’s husband found himself on a jet with soccer stars. Of course, no name has been revealed.

Jean-Michel Maire crossed paths with the FBI. The latter was to go to the final of the US Open, a major tennis event that takes place every year between August and September. With two friends, he had taken a plane in the morning to arrive a few hours before the match. “It turns out that when going through customs, at security (…) we see a dozen cops jumping on us. The guys armed to the teeth … it’s not kidding. I could already see the touch rectal happen”he recalled. “One of my friends told me he had nothing to reproach himself for but the police kept passing our luggage (…) and they ended up finding a knife (…) hidden in the bottom of his bag”he said, adding that his friend had borrowed the bag from his son, who had taken the utensil to go for a picnic a few days before departure. “They kept us for three hours (…) when we arrived, there were 10 minutes left in the match”.

A crossing of the Atlantic for not much… finally!

See also: “I had a little treat”: in “TPMP”, Jean-Pascal Lacoste, Jenifer’s ex, admits having had a homosexual relationship

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

source site-8