This Tuesday, March 7, 2023, Denis Brogniart will be at the helm of a new issue of “Koh-Lanta” son TF1. On the island of Luzon, in the Philippines, the candidates still in the race will have to surpass themselves to win new events. And obviously, the twists will not be lacking! Over the years, the show’s flagship host has become a fixture in the media. Unsurprisingly, his private life also greatly intrigues his admirers…
Since the beginning of the 2000s, the main interested party has been making perfect love with Hortense, the mother of his three daughters: twins named Lili and Violette who were born in 2005. Without forgetting Blanche, the youngest born a year later. But before meeting his current wife, Denis Brogniart shared the life of a woman who values her anonymity and who gave her Dimitri, her first child.
See also: Alexia Laroche Joubert defends Denis Brogniart live on C8
“I realized that he preferred sport…”
Two years ago on the set of “Do not touch My TV”, a former conquest of Denis Brogniart has come out of the silence… His name? Sophie Coste. His confession shocked his interlocutors. In particular Cyril Hanouna. Facing the camera, the latter therefore delivered on her “adventure” with the famous presenter. According to his words, the ex-lovebirds would have met during a filming.
“Jwent to Buenos Aires to do the show Fear Factor (which Denis Brogniart presented until 2004, editor’s note) with a lot of TF1 hosts”, explained Sophie Coste on the air. But after several weeks of love, the duo ended up separating. “We returned to Paris and I realized that he preferred sport and I the theater”, added the columnist. However, they reportedly remained on good terms. “On sends small text messages, from time to time”, thus concluded the pretty brunette. A confidence that no one expected!