a columnist of “TPMP” failed by the flagship host of France 2

Benjamin Castaldi took the helm of TPMP even in summer this Tuesday, June 28. With the columnists present, the host spoke about We are live, a program presented by Laurent Ruquier and Léa Salamé. In turn, they each gave their opinion on the program of France 2.

Obviously, they talked about the departure of Laurent Ruquier, who will leave the journalist alone at the reins of the talk show. “It’s my decision to leave this time slot, not being comfortable co-hosting for a talk show. I tried, but despite my natural understanding with Léa Salamé, I consider the exercise too frustrating”had explained through a press release published on instagramthe companion of Hugo Manos.

Magali Berdah also took the floor to share a bad memory. When she came out in 2018, her book My life in reality, the founder of the Shauna Events agency wanted to participate in the producer’s program … in vain. “He snubbed me, I took it very badly. When I released my first book, my dream was to promote myself with him. He is a personality that I idealized all my childhood. And without reading it, he didn’t want to. He replied, ‘We don’t want reality TV, we don’t want that, etc.’ was not about reality TV but about a life story. And so it hurt me and it hurt me”.

Injured by a relative of Laurent Ruquier

A few months ago, in the Big heads on RTLKarine Le Marchand had violently criticized Magali Berdah while Laurent Ruquier asked her if she had “a bit pumped” swe broadcast An intimate ambition.“I don’t know who she pumped but it wasn’t me anyway”, she retorted. “The high level of Karine Le Marchand. “I won’t talk about everything that’s been said about you, how hell you put your camera crews through life! How mean you are! Don’t think that because I’m from where I’m from, I I’m going to belittle myself, shut up. First and foremost, I’m a mother of three daughters who I’m just teaching not to let herself be belittled like that in public.” had counter-attacked the columnist.

See also: Magali Berdah bursts out laughing in full hidden camera

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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