a columnist cracks in full TPMP in front of a guest!

“Some call for “sorting” Ukrainian refugees in France, are you shocked?”

This is the question that Cyril Hanouna asked his columnists in the presence of Miss Amal and Jean Messiha. The spokesperson for Éric Zemmour’s campaign had a speech which revolted the set, this Friday, March 11, in particular one of the latest arrivals in the band, Clément Garin. “I am appalled by the rantings of this gentleman whom I do not prefer to listen to. Besides, I have a simple question, you are a native of Egypt, would you have agreed to be sorted when you arrived in France ?”. The politician replied that he had suffered this. “I did not come to France, violating a border, nor as illegal. It was France that invited my parents. When I applied for French nationality, there was a test at the time of assimilation”. But quickly the “discussion” turned to confrontation. “He annoys me”dropped the journalist, exasperated by the words of the guest. “I don’t even want to listen to you“. When Jean Messiha wanted to take up the story of his arrival with his parents in France, evoking the “visa” of his mother, Clément Garin, swung at him. “I don’t care about your mother”.

The ex-close to Marine Le Pen has little taste of this replica. “It’s mean (…) you are a hater and a racist”. A sentence that made the other columnists react but also the public. “It is the hospital that does not care about charity”, launched the other guest of the evening with whom Jean Messiha had a big clash a few minutes earlier. “You are a sh*t,” added the young columnist.

In short, another very tense number!

See also: “How do you want her to respect you?”, “You’re going to eat alone like a dog”: Gilles Verdez atomized by the chroniclers of TPMP … His ambiguous relationship with Fatou sets fire to the powder


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