a college in Compiègne, in the Oise, raises awareness against school harassment


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

H. Tanzit, J. Lanchas, I. Debraye – France 3

France Televisions

Elisabeth Borne announced on Tuesday June 20 that the fight against harassment will be the priority for the next school year. The subject is taken very seriously in many establishments, in particular in a college in Compiègne, in the Oise, through music.

In tune against school bullying. From the 6e at the 3ethe students of the Jacques Monod college in Compiègne (Oise) sing a song by the artist Maël. Eshe evokes the story of a teenager humiliated, molested, to the point of disappearing. “It’s still moving, because it’s a sensitive subject”, underlines Eva, a pupil of 6th. “We have to raise awareness, we have to stop all this”, continues Tess, a 5th grader.

An anti-harassment plan extended to high schools

The operation was orchestrated by Nathalie Venaud, teacher of music education. “All students are concerned, whether they are harassed or bullies. I thought it was important to make them aware of this, so that they would pay attention”, she explains. This year, a dizaA group of vigilant student ambassadors were part of the government’s prevention plan against school bullying. A bullying student has been identified. The anti-harassment plan will be extended to all high schools, next fall.

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