A collective from the south of the Channel asks for access to media libraries for 12/18 year olds without a health pass

At a time when we are talking about the 5th wave and 3rd dose, at a time when the government is encouraging vaccination more than ever and where countries are reconfining and others are establishing the vaccination obligation, there are French people who still resist. French people and Manchois resistant to the sanitary pass. This is the case of the collective “NO to the SUD MANCHE health pass”. A group created on July 19 which brings together parents, grandparents, teenagers, children, families … ordinary citizens. They are now 1,600 members listed on their Facebook page including Emilie, a mother who campaigns against the health pass “I work alone at home in the countryside and I hardly see anyone during the week and I live in a region where the incidence rate is one of the lowest. I do not want to be vaccinated, I find it very good for those who are fragile but for me and my children the balance between benefits and risks is not obvious except that after me I have a very strong cultural life and there it is problematic. “ Today in the Mont-Saint-Michel-Normandie urban community, children between 12 and 18 years old who do not have a health pass do not have access to libraries or media libraries. So on November 18, the collective sent an open letter to the president of the Mont-Saint-Michel-Normandie agglomeration community asking him to reopen libraries and media libraries to 12/18 year olds who are not vaccinated. “The law specifies that libraries and media libraries are only accessible with a health pass unless one comes there for research purposes and it turns out that university libraries are open to all even those who are not vaccinated. We are asking that it be the same for middle school and high school students who go to libraries and media libraries. ”

An open letter on a parchment in homage to the Avranches scriptorial

A collective that is getting organized more and more

The collective “NO to the SUD MANCHE health pass” has created a sort of small “Dé pass toi” agenda which lists these places where you go without a pass, but there are also so-called alternative ideas to maintain social ties: “We in Brécey have set up sports for those who no longer had the possibility of doing it. We will meet up every Saturday morning to do cross country and kung fu outdoors” specifies one of its members Emilie.
A collective which for 18 weeks also organizes every Sunday at 11 am in front of the town hall of Avranches a static gathering and speeches. It is not for them to demonstrate but to exchange and help each other.

Contacted David Nicolas did not respond to our requests

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