A clown and his hero

Humanitarian clown Guillaume Vermette is currently in Georgia, a country neighboring Russia. As always, he went there with the aim of making children smile. But this time, he’s accompanied by a very special and famous person: Patch Adams! Do you know him? We asked Guillaume to introduce him to you!

Who is Patch Adams?

He is a humanitarian clown from the United States and an incredible gentleman who dreams of a world without war and violence. He spent his life working very hard to try to change the world with his organization called the Gesundheit Institute. Even though he is now 78 years old and has one leg amputated, he continues to bring smiles to children in hospitals, refugee camps and orphanages all over the world. He is also a doctor, who for years offered his services completely free of charge!

What is the purpose of this mission that you are doing together at the moment?

Every year for around 40 years, Patch has organized a big project in Russia. He invited 40 humanitarian clowns to spread happiness and love in orphanages and hospitals. But since COVID-19 and the war… it’s no longer possible to go to Russia. Patch therefore decided to take over the project in Georgia, a small country in the south of Russia.

For you, what does he represent?

In a way, it was he who invented the profession of humanitarian clown… and being a humanitarian clown is my passion, my vocation… it really makes me happy! I think of all of Patch Adams’ accomplishments, what he does best is be a good friend. He is full of love and kindness and inspires me a lot to be a better person.

What’s the best advice he gave you?

It reminds me that we often ask ourselves too many questions, that we often put too much pressure on ourselves to be good or look good… that the only thing that really matters is to be here and now, in love and joy.

Do you believe that humanitarian clowns really bring something positive to the lives of people experiencing war?

I am convinced of it! For example, there are often parents who come to me crying to thank me warmly, telling me that they had not seen their child laugh or smile for months… since the war!

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