A close collaborator of Nagui accused of harassment, first reactions at France Inter

Faced with the magnitude of the case, and although Florence Mendez still does not want to reveal the identity of the person she accuses of harassment, the management of France Inter said it was surprised.

As in any professional life, there can be disagreements between collaborators.defends Yann Chouquet, program director of the station, with the Parisian. The latter had been made aware of the altercation between Florence Mendez and Nagui’s collaborator. “We talked about it together and I thought the problem had been solved, he confides. Florence had even told me that she had followed my advice and managed to discuss with the team“, adds Yann Chouquet.

For the director of programs, Florence Mendez would have asked to no longer intervene in The original band, being no longer in phase with the program, and he would have tried to find a place for him in another emission of the grid, without success. A version that the Belgian comedian denies to the Parisian.

One thing is certain, Adèle Van Reeth, new director of France Inter, is determined to shed light on this affair. “We will now have to recompose the facts, see what is true and what is not, and what may have changed or been reinterpreted over time.“, says Yann Chouquet.

The only certainty for the moment, Nagui’s very close collaborator remains on the air – a suspension would amount to “draw premature conclusions“-, and Florence Mendez is not one”persona non grata“at France Inter.”We agreed to let things calm down and time pass, neither them nor I are completely closed to the idea of ​​​​returning to a collaboration one day, perhaps.“, reacted the columnist on Instagram.

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