A “clash” took place between Jean-Michel Blanquer and Olivier Véran this Wednesday morning before the Council of Ministers

A muscular exchange took place between Jean-Michel Blanquer and Olivier Véran before the Council of Ministers this Wednesday morning. The Minister of Education criticizes in particular the lack of solidarity of the Minister of Health towards him.

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A tense explanation took place on Wednesday January 12 in the morning before the Council of Ministers between the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer and the Minister of Health Olivier Véran, franceinfo learned confirming information from the Parisian.

The object of the “clash” between the two ministers: the uncomfortable position for more than a week of Jean-Michel Blanquer, considered by his close guard as a “scapegoat” of the Covid-19 situation at school. “He finds it unfair that he is made to bear the weight of decisions taken elsewhere”, also confides his close guard.

The Minister of Education does not appreciate the lack of solidarity of the Minister of Health towards him, while according to him, this “mess” is not only academic. The last two protocols in schools were, it is recalled in his entourage, dictated by the health authorities, and if the machine jammed, it is because pharmacies were quickly overwhelmed.

Clashes between ministers happen regularly in this period of crisis, we also qualify in the entourage of Jean-Michel Blanquer.

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