a city in shock


Video length: 2 min

Municipal agent killed in Grenoble: a city in shock
A municipal agent from Grenoble, in Isère, was shot dead after witnessing a road accident on Sunday, September 8.
(France 2)

A municipal agent from Grenoble, in Isère, was shot dead after witnessing a road accident on Sunday, September 8.

In Grenoble (Isère), a hundred employees of the municipal urban cleaning service paid tribute to their deceased colleague. They went to the crossroads where the tragedy took place on Sunday, September 8. Witness to a road accident, Lilian Dejean, 49, wanted to intervene and was shot twice in the chest. The presumed killer is believed to be the driver of a large-cylinder car that violently hit another vehicle from behind.

A psychological unit has been set up in the town hall. The city’s public service is bruised. Another employee denounces a daily life marked by ever-increasing tensions. “He stopped because he saw an event that was not acceptable. He intervened and that’s what we all do.”assures Nadia Sahl, employee and union delegate for the South Territorial Communities. Outside the town hall, some residents say they are affected and worried. As of Monday noon, the hit-and-run driver, the alleged killer, had not yet been apprehended.

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