A Christmas unlike any other

A majority of Quebecers had a green Christmas on Monday. This situation also means that outdoor activities take a toll on your cold. Skating rinks are not available and you cannot slide, especially at Mount Royal.

• Read also: Weather in Quebec: gray weather and mild weather for a green Christmas

• Read also: “A rather gray and brownish New Year’s Day” awaits Quebecers, says a meteorologist

“We said to ourselves: we’re going to go play soccer. But I said, “No, there’s going to be snow.” And ultimately no. We are there and we played well. We sweated,” a man told TVA Nouvelles.

The situation has been similar for millions of Canadians. In the country, there are few places where there was an accumulation of 2 centimeters of snow or more on Monday.

For meteorologist Gilles Brien, a green Christmas is less and less rare in southern Quebec. From 1988 to 2021, we had 11.

“In Montreal, we had an average of 75% of Christmases which were white for several years. Since the 2000s, things have been accelerating downwards. We are at almost 68% with a white Christmas, so this year, we are falling right into brown,” he explains.

To find snow in Greater Montreal, some have opted for the Saint-Bruno ski mountain in Montérégie.

It wasn’t very busy on Christmas Day, but the skiers were very happy there.

“We are lucky to have artificial snow to be able to ski a little, but indeed, it would have been more pleasant to see a snowy landscape,” says one man.

“The phenomenon of there being no snow in town has been over for years. The rest of us operate with the cold. And even more now, in 2023 and for several years, when there are marginal temperatures, we are able to make snow, even when it is minus 3, minus 5,” explains the owner of Ski Saint. -Bruno, Michel Couture.

To see the full report, watch the video above.

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