a Christmas under high security in Bethlehem


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War between Israel and Hamas: a Christmas under high security in Bethlehem

No Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem in the West Bank. The Church of the Nativity, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, usually attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists, but this year the festivities are canceled in solidarity with the Palestinians. – (France 3)

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France 3 – THERE. Delaune

France Televisions

No Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem in the West Bank. The Church of the Nativity, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, usually attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists, but this year the festivities are canceled in solidarity with the Palestinians.

A parade in support of the Palestinians rather than the traditional festivities. In Bethlehem (West Bank), this year, the heart is not in celebration. In the city, this Sunday, December 24, no pilgrims but scouts marching in support of the Gazans. The bells will ring to call for a ceasefire in Gaza and not to celebrate the birth of Christ. The city also chose to install a nativity scene surrounded by barbed wire with the child Jesus lying in the ruins.

Only Midnight Mass will be celebrated

The West Bank has also seen an increase in violence since October 7. According to the Palestinian authorities, 300 people were killed there by Israeli forces. “There are many who died for this land, it is very difficult to celebrate something when our people are dying”, said Nicole Najjar, a student. This year, the religious authorities have renounced all festivities, only Midnight Mass will be celebrated.

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