a Chinese city of 5 million inhabitants placed in quarantine

What there is to know

Anyang, a city in central China with a population of 5 million, was placed in quarantine on Tuesday January 11, after the appearance of cases of Covid-19. Similar measures have been taken in recent weeks in two other cities in the country. China, which has largely contained the epidemic, follows a policy “zero Covid” which is based on radical measures as soon as a few positive cases are detected. Follow our live.

The health protocol relaxed at school. Three simple self-tests for contact cases, without obligation of antigen test or PCR: Jean Castex announced, Monday evening, a “simplification” of the health protocol in the face of the risk of disorder in schools. The three self-tests will be free, thanks to a certificate issued by the school. But they will continue to be distributed only in pharmacies.

The vaccination pass examined in the Senate. After an agitated adoption in the National Assembly, senators seized on Tuesday of the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass. The lower house of Parliament, with a right-wing majority, should vote on the text at first reading, but with “adjustments”, promises Gérard Larcher, President LR of the Senate.

LJapan is extending its border restrictions. “We will maintain our border control measures until the end of February”Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said on Tuesday. Tokyo banned the entry of most foreign nationals into its territory, and imposed a period of quarantine and frequent testing for all who cross the border.

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