a child protection association welcomes a testimony that can help free speech

The former French football international has revealed that he was the victim of sexual assault and rape when he was a teenager by the director of his college.

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“Anything that can reveal these abuses, this violence can only be beneficial to those who, unfortunately, still suffer them”, hope on franceinfo Danièle Guenoun, president of the Vendôme Association for the protection of children, Saturday 23 October after the revelations of Patrice Evra in his autobiography, “I love this game”, and in an interview with the British Times newspaper.

The former France international and Manchester United player reveals that he was a victim of rape and sexual assault as a teenager, at the age of 13. He accuses of sexual violence the director of a college in which he studied. The man accommodated the young Patrice Evra at his home, several evenings a week, while the establishment was far from the apartment of the Evra family.

“The more we talk about it, the more we try to ensure that there are fewer and fewer”, estimates Danièle Guenoun, who warns about the considerable number of acts of rape and sexual assault in the National Education and more generally in our society. She “meets these problems almost daily” with his association.

“I met young adults who were completely demolished because we didn’t want to hear them.”

Danièle Guenoun, President of the Vendôme Association for Child Protection

to franceinfo

Asked about the relevance of a potential “Saved report” on child crime in National Education, like the one produced in the Catholic Church, Danièle Guenoun is not “not sure what to look for everything that has already happened [dans le passé] can bring something to the present “.

Rather, she calls on the authorities, teachers and parents to “to hear children and adolescents today, and to take more account of the way they manifest” the violence they may suffer.

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