A charter of good conduct to avoid excesses at wedding ceremonies in Lunel

Tired of the excesses after the weddings in Lunel! The town hall has been setting up, since Thursday March 24, a charter of good conduct for ceremonies. It stipulates that any delay of the couple will imply a postponement of the celebration. For the procession, it is forbidden to shout, to throw firecrackers, to put on too loud music, to brandish a flag, to block the road or to skid. Other Hérault municipalities have already implemented it. As in Béziers since February 2019 or in Juvignac. In Montpellier, the same rules have been imposed in the form of regulations since November 2020.

“We are not in a football stadium. We must celebrate while respecting others” – Stéphane Alibert, security assistant at the town hall of Lunel.

This charter is put in place because there has been too many overflows. As for this wedding, at the beginning of March, officiated by Stéphane Alibert, security assistant at the town hall of Lunel. The bride and groom arrived half an hour late: “The wedding car arrives. No one gets out. I tap on the window. The groom comes out and asks me why I’m tapping. When I ask them why they’re late, I have no explanation or excuse. So I start the ceremony in a disturbed state. The administrative agent too. We wonder if we will postpone it or not. We decided to maintain the ceremony because there were many witnesses and the family was complete. The ceremony was pleasant but not for us. This charter is there for the good living together and to mark the respect which is not present enough today.”

Too many overflows on the road

The idea is not to make the wedding less festive. But not to the detriment of local residents explains Stéphane Alibert: “A wedding should be a moment of joy, without disrespecting others.” Examples of overflows, there are several. Especially in relation to non-compliance with the highway code “There are some who endanger pedestrians, who go around the roundabout three times, who shout and wave flags. We are not in a football stadium.” There is no deposit check requested or coercive measure, this charter is above all a reminder to good citizenship.

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