“A cell phone at 4 years old”, “A more Rolex car at 16 years old”, Caroline Margeridon, a bling-bling mother, the star of “Closed Deal” balances on the incredible golden youth of her children… unheard of!

The show Deal Concluded continue to make the beautiful hours of France 2. Caroline Margeridon is one of the stars of the famous program. In addition to his career, his private life also unleashes passions. In the city, she is the happy mother of two children named Victoire and Alexandre born from a past relationship. According to her, Caroline Margeridon loves to spoil them. “They got a cell phone when they were 4, two nannies and a car plus a Rolex when they were 16,” confessed the main concerned in the columns of here is last November. Despite the notoriety of their parent, they have every intention of “succeeding” in life. “My son, who sucks at school, said to me: ‘Mom, did you see how you raised us? Don’t worry, we will have to succeed”added the ex of Gérald Mossé not without pride.

However, Caroline Margeridon does not hesitate to punish them when they exceed the limits. But his punishments are worth the detour. “I did some really horrible things to them: I blew my son’s Playstation to smithereens and took the door off my daughter’s bedroom so I could watch her.” she told our colleagues. Sophie Davant’s sidekick also imagines herself as a grandmother in the years to come. And her grandchildren will lack for nothing. “I’m going to spoil my grandchildren: champagne in the bottle”, assured the daughter of the ex-director of RMC.

Regardless of the criticism, Caroline Margeridon has always loved beautiful things and she does not hide it. “At France Télévisions, we are surprised when I arrive with my Porsche, my 4×4, impossible watches, my jewelry. But everyone loves it”, added the famous buyer ofDeal Concluded.When I was little, we weren’t allowed to take public transport, we went to school in a taxi or our mother took us in a Jaguar”. A lifestyle that makes you dream!


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