a ceasefire in Gaza by Ramadan “promises to be difficult”, warns Joe Biden

Pessimism. US President Joe Biden declared on Friday March 8 that obtaining a ceasefire between between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip before Ramadan would be complicated. “It looks difficult”, he warned while the Muslim month of fasting must begin on Sunday or Monday. He also said “very” concerned about the violence that could break out in East Jerusalem, a Palestinian territory annexed and occupied by Israel, during Ramadan. Hamas on Friday called on Palestinians to “mobilize” and “flock” during Ramadan to the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, where tensions are feared during this period. He also affirmed that he will not “no compromise” on his demands for a definitive ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and a withdrawal of Israeli troops in exchange for any agreement on the release of the hostages. Follow our live stream.

Five people killed and ten others injured by falling humanitarian aid packages. These packages were dropped by planes over Gaza. The incident occurred in the al-Shati refugee camp, west of the city, Mohammed al-Sheikh, head nurse in the hospital’s emergency department, told AFP al-Chifa of Gaza. The Jordanian and American armies affirmed that none of their aircraft was at the origin of the tragedy.

Hope for the opening of a maritime corridor. Faced with the catastrophic situation in Gaza, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen hopes for the opening of a maritime corridor on Sunday in Cyprus. It echoes the announcement of Joe Biden who called for a major humanitarian operation by sea involving the construction of a “temporary pier” in Gaza. The Pentagon said Friday that construction of the structure will take up to 60 days and will likely involve more than 1,000 troops. The temporary port “could provide more than two million meals a day to the citizens of Gaza”detailed a Pentagon spokesperson.

Condemnation of Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories. The establishment and expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories is a matter “war crime” And “risk eliminating any practical possibility of establishing a viable Palestinian state”warned the UN on Friday. France and Spain have also condemned these Israeli plans to expand settlements in the occupied West Bank. Paris “calls on the Israeli government to immediately reverse this unacceptable, illegal and irresponsible decision”said the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a press release.

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