a catastrophic honey harvest in 2021



Article written by

J. Weyl, F. Borius, B. Vioche, N. Saliou-Tendron, O Sauvayre – France 2

France Televisions

Will there be French honey in our stores in the coming months? The question is asked, because the harvest is catastrophic this year, there was 2 times less honey produced than in 2020 due to the frost in spring, and the gloomy weather for a good part of the summer.

Normally, Stéphan Bouet, beekeeper in Talmont-Saint-Hilaire (Vendée), collects 2.5 tonnes of honey, but this year his production does not exceed 800 kilos. French beekeepers say they have never seen this. “It was a very complicated year linked to bee mortality at the end of winter. The spring was too rainy and the beginning of summer was too cold”, explains Stéphan Bouet.

The beekeeper continues to sell jars of honey but above all he sells the stock for the year 2020. In a few months, he will have nothing. Throughout France, the honey harvest was disastrous with half the production than in 2020. “When I see the fields near my house, there are corn, sunflowers and cereals, the bees can no longer feed themselves properly”, says Yves Pidou, from the beekeeping health defense group.

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