The prefecture indicates that “the depopulation was carried out on Tuesday” and that a “protection and surveillance zone has been set up”, reports France Bleu Breizh Izel on Wednesday.
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A case of bird flu has been confirmed in a free-range poultry farm in Hanvec, in northern Finistère, reports France Bleu Breizh Izel on Wednesday, September 4. This is the third outbreak of the season in France.
The prefecture indicates that “Depopulation was carried out on Tuesday” and that a “protection and surveillance zone is set up”. An epidemiological investigation is also being conducted “in order to investigate the probable origin of the contamination.”
The services of the French Biodiversity Office (OFB), supported by the Departmental Federation of Hunters, are responsible for monitoring the collection of wild birds found dead for analysis, using the network for monitoring the causes of mortality of wild animals (Sagir network). The prefecture specifies that, in the event that the carcasses of wild birds are not handed over to the authorities, they must be taken care of by the town hall of the municipality which will make them available for rendering.
Two other outbreaks have been detected in France since last winter’s epizootic: one in Morbihan at the end of August and the other in Ille-et-Vilaine on August 13.