a car thief arrested after driving in the wrong direction to avoid the gendarmes

Roundabouts and county taken upside down, the fugitive tried everything, even the most dangerous to flee the gendarmes. It all starts on Saturday July 23 at 11:30 a.m., when a resident of Nogent-sur-Vernisson declares the theft of his carrelate our colleagues from La République du Centre.

Spotted shortly after, he sets off on a chase. It is finally on foot, after having abandoned the vehicle, that he tries a last escape, confirms the parquet floor of Montargis. It was without counting the mobilization of the inhabitants of the municipality of Villemandeur, who joined forces with the mobilized gendarmes, police and firefighters.

Abandoned car in front of a fire station

Leaving the car near the fire station, the 30-year-old is seen by CCTV cameras. Among the inhabitants who embark on a kind of manhunt, one offers to make his drone available to the police. Hidden behind a hedge, the thief was arrested at 2:30 p.m., discovered by a resident’s dog.

An investigation is entrusted to the Montargis research brigade for theft, refusal to comply aggravated by the endangerment of others, multiple traffic offenses and the use of narcotics. The man, under judicial supervision in another case, is in police custody. It was extended today by the Public Prosecutor, at least until tomorrow, Monday morning.

The only explanation for the moment, reports the prosecutor, Loïc Abrial: “he says he got scared when he saw the gendarmes“.

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