A captivating vacation at the museum

This text is part of the special Spring Break booklet

School break is a golden opportunity to get lost with your family in the exhibition halls without counting your time! Here is a guide to what the museums and galleries here offer and which promise wonder and a change of scenery.

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

The exhibition TUSARNITUT! The music that comes from the cold offered by the Montreal cultural establishment explores the place occupied by musical expression, such as drum dancing and throat singing, in Inuit visual arts. As a result, it allows visitors, young and old, to learn more about the changes in contemporary and traditional Aboriginal art of the circumpolar regions through a unique and very poetic prism. Note that works by Kenojuak Ashevak, Niap (Nancy Saunders) and Kananginak Pootoogook are presented there until March 12.

National Museum of Fine Arts of Quebec

Canadian artist Albert Jay Lunt, known under the pseudonym Evergon, is entitled to his retrospective in Quebec until April 23. While its exploratory photographs and collages are a comic celebration of life, the MNBAQ invites the youngest to creative workshops for all, including Dbird roles And Cut, Copy, Paste, during the break. The first invites you to immerse yourself in extravagance by creating an accessory relating to birds, while the second invites you to create your own collages, like those of Evergon.

McCord Stewart Museum

In the same vein, the McCord Stewart Museum is offering an activity for children aged 5 to 11 who visit it alongside the exhibition devoted to photographer Alexander Henderson. From February 27 to March 3, 2023, this game of ” search and find “baptized winter landscape teaches the little ones to have fun with historical images from the museum’s Photography collection.

As for Natu-natshishkueu. The adventure of datingwhich takes place on the same dates, it invites families to take another look at the First Nations and at the exhibition. Indigenous voices today. Knowledge, trauma, resilience thanks to the delivery of a playful and educational exploration sheet.

In collaboration with the National Film Board of Canada (NFB), the McCord Stewart Museum is also offering, during the holidays, a program of seven animated short films on cultural diversity and immigration, with Youth Compilation. Cultural diversity, an encounter in images.

Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art

The MAC has also drawn inspiration from its current exhibition on visual artist Nelson Henricks and is devoting Spring Break, from Tuesday, February 28 to Friday, March 3, to the family activity Résonance chromatique. This is free for minors and $15 for adults, upon reservation. From videos Don’t You Like the Green of A? And Heads Will Roll, made by the Montrealer, the registrants thus embark on an immersive sensory experience in color and sound where everyone is equipped with a roller to perform original paintings in rhythm and as they see fit.


The gallery is interested in the form of the tale in its new collective exhibition story time. Visual artists such as Darby Milbrath, Nicholas Bierk, Trevor Bourke, Jennifer Carvalho and even Lera Dubitskaya explore the limitless imagination of creators thanks to the different colors and textures passed through their hands. “Like the child sitting on the ground who surrenders to the story, we can allow the work to stand on its own — by asking ourselves where we are in the work, not where the work is in us”, advises us Pangea.

Claude-Léveillée House of Culture

Under the guidance of curator James Oscar, the two multidisciplinary artists Clovis-Alexandre Desvarieux and Carl-Philippe Simonise question themselves, within the framework of the exhibition The Secret Language of the Universe, in particular on the place of transmission, rites of passage, pedagogy, spirituality and friendship in life. Thanks to several reading levels accessible to all age categories, the paintings in the exhibition delight visitors as much as they bring them a little comfort.


With The world in mind, the Antoine de Galbert collection, the museum invites audiences of all ages on a journey around the world, from Africa to Asia via Oceania and the Americas. Until March 12, some 300 headdresses and headgear, which have a utilitarian, social, identity or symbolic function, collected by the French collector Antoine de Galbert, are indeed presented in the light of the breathtaking diversity of 200 peoples and communities. In addition, still in connection with the exhibition, a rally through the windows of shops around the museum which allows you to discover works created by children from the neighborhood under the direction of the artist Lindsay Cornish is also organized during the school break.

Civilization Museum

Experimenting and living many surprises, that’s what promises Observe. The exhibition that confuses!, an all-inclusive, one-of-a-kind adventure that runs until March 26. Designed for children and their families, this exhibition arouses curiosity as much as it challenges. To stay on course, participants must therefore avoid a few traps and be cunning. For example, one of the installations makes it possible to slip into the skin of a person affected by a visual handicap and solicit hearing to find the solution.

Montreal Science Center

Until March 12, crowds (6 years and over) are expected at the Montreal Science Center to go back in time and get to know the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs around the world sends visitors to the Mesozoic Era, when Pangea broke up, to follow the 172 million year reign of the dinosaurs and the evolution of hundreds of species…until their extinction. This interactive exhibition reproduces about twenty dinosaurs — such as Tyrannosaurus rex, Apatosaurus and Mojoceratops — life-size in animated format, which move and emit sounds! The climatological and paleontological approach of Dinosaurs around the world is also a great opportunity for families to perfect their prehistoric knowledge. Psst! It is even said that a real hadrosaur fossil is presented to the public.

space for life

During spring break, lovers of the cosmos have an appointment at the Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan to enjoy several screenings. space walk, from the Serie Stellar Travelers, takes viewers on an extravehicular ride outside the International Space Station, guided by astronauts. An experience that ensures unobstructed views of Earth and a taste of the vacuum of space. There is also Objective: new skies, which is experienced as an intergalactic epic in search of a new habitable planet. This activity is both immersive and participative since the public can vote for their new favorite planet, and thus influence the course of the show… For the passage to the planetarium to be complete, do not forget to stop at the exposure Spotlight on our meteorites!, where several specimens that have finished their journey on our planet are observable.

The Biosphere also puts forward Plastisapiens, a meditative virtual reality activity to better understand the realities of plastic in our environment. This installation draws on science to submit an ecofuturistic narrative of beauty that is said to be both strange and ironic.

The entity of the Botanical Garden finally submits a rich and varied program to occupy the children during the school holidays. The exhibition strange garden attracts visitors to greenhouse number 10 of the Botanical Garden. It even seems that there is an ultra-secret laboratory in which bizarre plants are scrutinized. But what is this research for? And what secrets do they reveal? Carnivorous plants are thus part of this mysterious flora that uses ingenious means to capture its loot. Everyone is invited to discover the strategies put in place by these ruthless plants thanks to the activity Carnivores in actiona kind of very special Olympiad! Capture your prey. Invent a trap inspired by carnivorous plants is an animation that stems from this exhibition in which the young participants are challenged to learn how to make an insect trap… like a formidable Venus flytrap!

This special content was produced by the Special Publications team of the Duty, pertaining to marketing. The drafting of Duty did not take part.

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