a candidate stops the show to make a story and attracts the wrath of her competitors!

Since 2013, Les Reines du shopping has enjoyed undeniable success on M6. The program puts five women in competition, with very different personalities and styles. Every day of the week, one of them roams the streets of Paris in search of an outfit. She has limited time and budget to do her shopping and makeover. The goal ? Convince his opponents and above all seduce Cristina Cordula, host of the show, who imposed a specific theme.

This Monday, September 5 starts a new week of competition with five fashionistas determined to do battle. And in view of the first extracts broadcast on the Instagram page of the sixth, the blows should rain between the candidates and particularly on the first to enter the running. In a video posted on social networks, Chloé, who is hesitant about the outfit she is trying on, then decides to take a short break from her shopping to ask for advice and opinions from her community. In the middle of a story, here she is, therefore, involving those who follow her on the Web.

Cristina Cordula shocked by the candidates of the “Queens of shopping”

An attitude that was severely tackled by its competitors. “So hello Chloe, well I think you shouldn’t have worn this outfit which is not at all beautiful and not at all trendy. I think you shouldn’t even have filmed yourself with this outfit which is horrible“, lamented the first. “No, but she takes the time to do stories and surveys. But isn’t there anything else to do today? There is no shopping?“, chanted for her part another candidate. Reactions considered very severe by Cristina Cordula who was offended by such attitudes. “Oh you’re not nice: But still it’s not nice…“, she shouted.



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