A candidate reveals to have escaped two murder attempts!

The board of 12 noon shots on TF1 is always the scene of stories crazier than each other. Since Sunday April 24, Jean-Luc Reichmann has been accompanied by a new midday mistress in the person of Sylvie, who dethroned Harmony. Her masterstroke at 30,000 euros, a sum she shared with a viewer, had gathered 3.25 million viewers, or 30.5% of the entire public.

The candidate made her return on Monday April 25 and then Tuesday April 26. During these participations, she spoke of her husband, Giuseppe, to whom she has been united for almost 40 years. A love story that had started badly. “He was my commercial director, so I was under his orders (…) And I couldn’t see him. He had everything that I didn’t like. Macho, Italian, very sure of himself. I absolutely didn’t want to deal with him”. But one day everything changed and she “simulated computer failure” to be able to say to him: “I’m going to tell you something but above all you forget it afterwards, I just have to tell you, I find you beautiful and I love you”.

But at that time, her husband was not single. Worse still, Giuseppe was married. “It was not going well in the couple”said Sylvie. “It didn’t go well at all. His wife, she tried to kill me twice. I think she took it the wrong way.” A story that she detailed and that sent chills down the spine of the host. “Once she came to my house with a gun. She said to me, ‘I want my husband and my dog ​​back.’ And the second time she chased me in the car, I was on foot, so I ‘ve never run so fast in my life. I even climbed a hill, I don’t know how I climbed it”. If she doesn’t have “No more news” of her rival, she found her on Facebook: “She took a lot of money, huh”.

See also: Jean-Luc Reichmann makes revelations!

Mickael Sinisterra

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