a candidate of the 12 blows of noon continues the blunders, Jean-Luc Reichmann does not return!

Monday, December 27, Jean-Luc Reichmann was back on TF1 to open a new week of 12 noon shots. The host found his team and new candidates after a family New Year’s Eve. He had also posted a photo of his mom Josette, on his Instagram account. “The most beautiful day spent by the fireside alongside the Snow Queen who goes up the slope“, he captioned.

After these well-deserved feasts by the fireside, Nathalie Lecoultre’s companion has therefore found the 12 strokes of noon plateau and the reigning champion Jérôme. This site foreman, the divorced dad of a little boy to whom he is extremely close, shines day by day with his broad knowledge and quick-wittedness. Two qualities that his challenger of the day seemed somewhat lacking. Indeed, during the fatal blow, the master of noon was opposed to a certain Amandine. This candidate from Lot-et-Garonne also confided earlier in the show never to go out without makeup, “even to get his bread”. And bad luck, the blonde did not have any questions related to her darling cosmetics.

Internet users and Jean-Luc Reichmann shocked by Amandine’s blunders

When answering Jean-Luc Reichmann’s questions, the young woman was a chouïa next to the plate. “What word designates both a ball game and a surgical table?“, asks the host.”Boulard“, she then swings under the dumbfounded gaze of the presenter who then corrects and specifies” billiards “. But the worst is yet to come.”What onomatopoeia is associated with “tic” to evoke the sound of a pendulum?“Instead of answering“ Tac ”, as expected, Amandine delivers an unexpected“ Ding. ”An anthology of blunders which of course largely made viewers react on Twitter.

You have to have a negative IQ to get out this kind of bullshit… ”,“ It’s possible to play worse than that… ”,“ The jug in all its splendor ”,“ Thank you, we hadn’t seen it yet lol and l ‘next year these on her will be in the blooper “, A blooper all by herself, at this level we can only thank her.“, they commented.

See also: Alexandra Lamy: her daughter Chloé Jouannet leaves the house for good, the unexpected confidences

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