The British are also called to vote before the summer for early legislative elections, on July 4, 2024. The Labor Party hopes to become the majority again and the campaign is marked by an unprecedented candidacy.
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Steve Endacott is proposing an unprecedented candidacy for the British legislative elections. This shareholder of an artificial intelligence company decided to use one of its software to create an avatar capable of campaigning in his place. He can answer voters’ questions and push a political program entirely designed on the basis of these exchanges.
When questioned he introduced himself as AI Steve, candidate to be the future MP for Brighton and Hove and when asked whether Brexit was a good idea he replied that “Brexit is a complex subject with divergent opinions.” The process is revolutionary, but in the discourse, there is, for the moment, nothing very subversive.
The real Steve Endacott explains that he wanted to break with traditional politics to respond to the weariness that exists today with parliamentarians who are too passive and too disconnected. Its robot solicits the participation of voters and will only validate projects obtaining a majority, around a slogan: “Policies for the people, made by the people”.
“We are using AI to involve more people in decisions, he explains. It is not AI taking control of parliament or government, it is the opposite. It’s using the power of AI to help me as an MP to stay in touch, every day, with more collaborators.” It is a sort of permanent referendum run by a tireless robot candidate, who can hold 10,000 conversations at the same time.
From the first week, the software responded to 200,000 requests, enough to boost the presence of its creator in this campaign. For the moment, no anti-doping control is planned in this area and this is part of the concerns raised by the arrival of AI in the political field. Steve Endacott responded to the requirement of the Ethics Commission by committing to physically sit in Parliament in the event of an election and by following to the letter the political choices dictated to him by the robot.