A Canadian Space Force is born

(Ottawa) Canada will soon officially have its military space force. But beware: those who imagine soldiers on a mission in a celestial battlefield will quickly return to earth: “It’s not as exciting as the science fiction series”, warns the future commander of this force, the Brigadier General Michael Adamson.

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

Melanie Marquis

Melanie Marquis
The Press

The baptism of the 3e Canadian Space Division will take place Friday at the Department of National Defense Headquarters in Ottawa. This is more of an internal restructuring than a novelty — the Space Directorate becomes a division of the Royal Canadian Air Force, the third, hence the baptismal name.

“The work doesn’t really change from what we were doing last week and what we’re doing next week. But it is a recognition that there has been an evolution in the military context and in the space field,” said Brigadier General Adamson, whose ship will be made up of approximately 170 soldiers, in an interview.


Michael Adamson, future commander of the 3e Canadian Space Division

Nothing to come close to the United States Space Force, whose establishment by former President Donald Trump in 2019 had aroused its share of mockery – in addition to inspiring a satirical series starring Steve Carell on Netflix. With a budget of more than 17 billion for 2022, it mobilizes around 8,400 soldiers.

Other countries also have their own space division: the United Kingdom, France, Germany and even Australia.

There is a real awareness of the relevance of relying on spatial units. You have to understand what is happening in orbit, because obviously there are a lot of players in this field.

Michael Adamson, brigadier general and future commander of the 3e Space Division

The brigadier general cites as an example a Russian test that went wrong last November.

” [Les Russes] sent an anti-satellite missile and destroyed one of their own satellites which was in orbit at the end of its operational life. It generated hundreds of debris that notably endangered the International Space Station. It is thanks to military capabilities that we were able to follow each of the debris, ”he illustrates.

Militarization of space?

When the Canadian government signaled that it was considering emulating the United States in 2019, the New Democratic Party (NDP) had reservations. ” [Nous sommes] fundamentally opposed to the militarization of space and [sommes] convinced that it should only be used by all of humanity for peaceful purposes,” said elected official Randall Garrison, according to Radio-Canada.

To this, Brigadier General Adamson replies today that it “would be naïve to believe that military operations are not already supported by space data”. Space is “congested, contested and subject to competition [congested, contested, and competitive] and “we need to monitor what is happening in this environment”.

However, he considers that a nuance is necessary.

There is a difference between the weaponization of space and the weaponization of space. Canada strongly opposes the second option. We are absolutely not interested in placing weapons in orbit or attacking another nation’s space equipment from space. What is important to us, above all, is to preserve the access that we have, for Canadians.

Michael Adamson, brigadier general and future commander of the 3e Space division

The mission of the 3e Division will therefore not only assist members of the Canadian Armed Forces in their operations, but also ensure that various services such as telephony and geolocation are maintained and improved.

It will obviously be put to good use in the modernization of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), a vast project to which the government wants to devote 40 billion over two decades.

Canada’s defense policy published in 2019 refers to it, one of its objectives being to acquire “space capabilities”, including “sensors capable of identifying and tracking space debris” and “space systems that expand and improve tactical satellite communications […] throughout the Canadian Arctic region.

Mixed welcome

The Conservative Party sees the birth of the divide as a “long overdue recognition that Canada must take new and emerging threats seriously, and improve the space capabilities of our military,” said MP Kerry-Lynne Findlay.

“We hope the creation of the Canadian Space Division is an indication that the Liberal government finally intends to take seriously the development of closer ties with our allies,” she added in a statement sent by the left.


The crest that the members of the 3e Canadian Space Division

In the Bloc camp, MP Christine Normandin does not see “necessarily material to write to her mother”. On the one hand, because “it doesn’t seem to come with new financing” and, on the other hand, because “it looks more like a big internal restructuring than the creation of a whole new entity with new hires”.

The NDP did not respond to questions from The Press.

In the office of the Minister of National Defense, Anita Anand, it was not specified what the budget for the 3e Canadian Space Division.

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  • 270
    Number of people, military and civilian, that Brigadier General Michael Adamson hopes to see in total in the 3e Canadian Space Division

    SOURCE: Canadian Armed Forces

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