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A call for witnesses has been launched to find the trace of the policeman suspected of having killed his companion on January 28 in Paris, who would be in possession of his service weapon. He has since been found, and his escape little relayed by the police.
Arnaud, 29 and a police officer, is still on the run and actively sought after. He is the alleged murderer of his partner, Amanda Glain, 28, who was strangled to death on January 28. The police had discovered the body of the young graphic designer in the apartment of the peacekeeper, in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. He was already known for acts of domestic violence. The police headquarters issued a call for witnesses with his photo and his vehicle, a white Peugeot 208, on the evening of Friday February 11.
The call for witnesses comes 15 days after the homicide, too late according to feminist associations. “We gave him plenty of time to go to another country. If a wanted notice had to be issued, it was quickly”, believes Ursula Le Menn, spokesperson for the association Dare feminism. The broadcast of the call for witnesses is not decided by the police, but by an investigating judge, and is not systematic. “There is telephone blocking, the use of the blue card. And once we have done all that and we have not found any trace of the person, we go to a higher level, where the ‘we are calling for witnesses’comments Denis Jacob.