A call for donations to treat Fleur, rabbit defenestrated from a building

In a ball in his cage with his plastered paw, Flower, little terrified bunny, prohibited from moving. At the same time, she can’t go very far. After one fall of several metersbecause she has was thrown out the window of her former owner’s building, the rabbit is in bad shape. Her claws are broken, her paw dislocated, she is full of bruises and is terrorized by men.

However, she is not afraid of Auriane Thary, the founder of the association Pom Pom d’Oréo who took her in and who takes care of her.

Fleur has many weeks to come with these bandages © Radio France
Auriane Thary

She spends a hour and a half a day caring for her, feed her, give her medication, etc. “Every week I also take him to redo his bandage and splint. You also have to give him weekly X-rays“describes the young woman.

More than 1000 euros of care already paid

The problem is that all this care comes at a huge cost. “For the very first invoice, we had it for 150€. The very precise surgery which required the intervention of a surgeon specialized in orthopedics cost us 750€. And then every week we have a hundred euros for anesthesia, medication and bandage changes.“Knowing that Fleur has for at least eight weeks of care intensive, the costs are escalating at breakneck speed.

This is why we very quickly launched a Fundraiser. And people were very receptive, they were touched by Fleur’s story and helped us a lot financially, materially and also mentally with their little words.

A great benevolence

Auriane Thary is happy to escape comments “displaced“of people who would find it ridiculous to spend so much on a rabbit:”We are really surrounded by caring people.

To continue raising funds, the association now sells illustrations of Fleur. “It’s our graphic designer who made them, all the money goes into the care of the rabbits.

The operation is going pretty well. €1,600 have already been raised.

Next step: going to court

The next step, after the recovery of the doe, is the condemnation of the one who defenestrated him. “With the help of the SPA, we found the former owner who has already been pinned for acts of animal abuse. This time, we are going to do everything so that he is condemned and that he can no longer have animals.

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