a call for a strike this Thursday to demand an increase in wages and pensions

After the mobilization of January 27, the CGT, FSU, Solidaires, Unsa unions as well as youth organizations such as Unef or Fidl are calling for a new day of interprofessional strike and demonstrations this Thursday March 17, everywhere in France. In the viewfinder of the inter-union: purchasing power. Objective: to obtain an increase in salaries, retirement pensions, allowances and student grants. Claims that make part of the priorities of the Frenchaccording to the major consultation “Ma France” launched by France Bleu before the presidential election.

“To cope with the increase in the cost of living, the CGT defends a general increase in wages” in private and public, “starting with the lowest salaries”claims the union in its press release. “Inflation forecasts, the rise in gasoline and energy, the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine reinforce this strong demand”enjoins Unsa for its part.

Already on February 10, when calling for mobilization, two weeks before the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the inter-union was already seeing the results of inflation. However, according to her, fighting against inflation to “maintain household purchasing power” first go through “the evolution of income” : “The major challenge is therefore to combat the stagnation of wages more than to act sporadically on the evolution of prices”.

“We are not going to be satisfied with crumbs or facade measures, so we are calling for at least a 10% immediate increase”indicates to France Bleu Lorraine Nord Sébastien Hesse, animator at the CGT state public service in Moselle.

What mobilization to expect?

The previous mobilization, on January 27, had gathered between 89,000 and 150,000 demonstrators according to the sources. Since then, prices have continued to rise, especially prices at the pump, which exceeded an average of 2 euros per liter last week in France.

In particular, expect transportation disruptions, the CGT having specifically called for a strike in this branch. Thus the people of Nantes will have to deal with partially cut tram and bus lines.

The schools may also be disrupted by mobilization, as in Grenoble or Strasbourg where all the canteens will be closed. In Rennes, evening nurseries will be affected, as some schools cannot provide them. In the agglomeration of Bordeaux, France Bleu Gironde also makes the list of disturbed establishments. Some town halls, such as Metz, have set up a childcare service.

The unions have published a map of the rallies planned throughout the territory.

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