a call for a strike at the Alstom factory in Aytré to demand an increase in wages

Some of the employees consider the statements of the management on wages “insufficient” and contest the mandatory annual negotiations.

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The FO, CGT and CFE-CGC unions are again calling for a strike on Monday at the Alstom site in Aytré, in Charente-Maritime, to demand better salary conditions, France Bleu La Rochelle reports on Saturday February 12.

For the past week, some of the employees have been contesting the mandatory annual wage negotiations and are demanding a general wage increase of 3% in 2022 with a minimum of 90 euros per month to compensate for inflation. The inter-union also requests individual increases of 2.5% and a Covid-19 bonus of 500 euros net for 2022. This bonus must be added to a “catch-up” bonus of 400 euros net for 2021.

The management of the site specializing in transport, challenged on the issue, has already made proposals following the first walkout on Wednesday February 9 of 150 employees, representing around 10% of the staff, but they were deemed “insufficient” by the unions. The employees were still a hundred, Friday, to vote the renewal of the movement until the obtaining of the claims. A negotiation meeting is scheduled between unions and management Monday at 10 am.

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