a building collapses in Vincennes, at least one lightly injured according to a first assessment

The building collapsed around 5 p.m., slightly injuring a worker. An investigation has been opened.

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More fear than harm. Part of a building under construction, located near a nursery school, collapsed on Tuesday June 7 at the end of the afternoon in Vincennes (Val-de-Marne), near Paris, indicated to the AFP the parquet floor of Créteil. A worker who has “jumped out of fear” was slightly injured and was taken to Saint-Antoine hospital.

An investigation for “endangering the lives of others” and “unintentional injuries” was opened by the public prosecutor Stéphane Hardouin and entrusted to the judicial police of Val-de-Marne, with the assistance of the management. intelligence from the Paris police headquarters (DRDP).

The Val-de-Marne prefecture and the police prefecture indicated in a press release that the “Census work of all the workers who were present on site continues” and “56 workers usually present on the site have already been identified as safe and sound”. “Operations are being finalized”told AFP the mayor of Vincennes, Charlotte Libert-Albanel.

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