a building collapses following a gas explosion in Sanary-sur-Mer


France 2

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A three-story building collapsed on Tuesday, December 7, in the Var, in Sanary-sur-Mer. There would be victims under the rubble.

Eight people were in the building at the time of the explosion, followed by the collapse of the building, Tuesday, December 7, in Sanary-sur-Mer, in the Var, according to firefighters. Three slightly injured have already been evacuated to hospitals and clinics in the area, two other people have been located under the rubble and three others remain to be located. 40 firefighters are busy: there are two dog teams, teams specializing in perilous environments and clearing teams.

The incident allegedly occurred around 3:50 a.m. in the night. It was a gas explosion that caused the building to collapse. One of the adjacent buildings has been evacuated, the gas has been cut and the town hall has opened a gymnasium to accommodate the residents who are very shocked. The concern is palpable, explains France Télévisions journalist Saada Soubane.

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