Video length: 2 min
Death of Michel Blanc: a brutal shock for French cinema
Unexpectedly, the disappearance of the 72-year-old actor, which occurred on the night of Thursday October 3 to Friday October 4, shook many cinema personalities. Among them, the Splendid troupe, Mélanie Laurent, Sandrine Bonnaire, Dany Boon and Louane.
He has captured the hearts of several generations of French people. We have the impression of having grown up with him and of having laughed at the slightest of his pranks. And if there is a role that made him popular, it is that of Jean-Claude Dusse, in the saga of Les Bronzés. He is the first of the troop to leave us. For passers-by, this Friday, October 4, it was amazement: “It’s our whole life”realizes a woman.
The actor suffered a heart attack during the night from Thursday to Friday. He was rushed to Saint-Antoine hospital in Paris. The doctors were unable to save him. He apparently suffered a rare allergic reaction following the injection of a product, as part of a routine examination. His friend Gérard Jugnot was the first to announce his death on social networks. “Every time we met again, we picked up the story where we left off”confided the actor, visibly dejected, on the radio this Friday morning.
With one voice, the Splendid actors published a joint message, asking to respect their “tremendous pain” and their “collection”. Sandrine Bonnaire, Mélanie Laurent, Dany Boon, Louane… Her screen partners paid tribute to her memory. That of a monument of French cinema, who died at the age of 72.
Watch the full report in the video above.