Video length: 1 min
2024 Legislative Elections: A Boss Offers a Bonus to Employees Who Vote
2024 Legislative Elections: A Boss Offers a Bonus to Employees Who Vote
(France Info)
Across France, initiatives have emerged to encourage voters to go and vote. One boss has decided to offer his employees a bonus if they vote in both rounds.
Pascal Biscroma is a business leader with a head full of ideas. Former elected official and convinced that the right to vote is an opportunity, he decided with his partner to offer a bonus of 50 euros net to its employees. The only condition: go and vote in the two rounds of the legislative elections. “It’s really not on a political axis, it’s really on a civic axis that I wanted to launch the idea,” the head of the company justifies himself. An idea that has attracted one of the company’s 70 employees. “I would have watched what happened in the first round without going there and I would have gone in the second (…). It is important to do one’s duty as a citizen, I am still aware of that, now, I will go to both rounds”explains the employee.
Pascal Biscroma assures that he has not given any voting instructions to his employees, he only hopes that abstention will be lower than during the 2022 legislative elections, where it exceeded 50% at the national level.