A complaint for manslaughter was filed at the end of December 2023 against a nursing home in Bordes in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques.
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A family filed a complaint on December 28 for “manslaughter”, “ill-treatment” And “no assistance to the person in danger” against the nursing home “Les Colchiques”, located in Bordes, France Bleu Béarn Bigorre learned from the Pau public prosecutor’s office on Wednesday February 7. A resident of the establishment, aged 66, died last December. He had been admitted there ten days earlier.
The first elements of the investigation attempt to determine whether the victim received her antiepileptic treatment; she suffered from epileptic seizures. The resident “is not cleaned properly, does not take medication, does not necessarily eat properly”said Me Jean-Noël Caubet-Hilloutou, the lawyer for the victim’s family, at the microphone of France Bleu Béarn Bigorre.
On Sunday December 10, ten days after his admission, his wife visited him “and notices that he is in a coma”, adds the lawyer. The sixty-year-old is hospitalized and, according to Mr. Jean-Noël Caubet-Hilloutou, the doctors who take care of him note certain shortcomings: “They did blood tests. After a few days, they concluded that he had not had his anti-epileptic treatment, but it was too late to intervene, he died two days later.”
Contacted by France Bleu Béarn Bigorre, the director of the hospital, Nathalie Métayer, assured that “the nurses at the nursing home scrupulously followed the prescriptions of the attending doctors”.