a booty of 20,000 euros taken away…

This Monday, December 5, 2022, C8 will show the film Lucky by Olivier Van Hoofstadt. The cast should delight viewers. Indeed, Michael Youn, Corinne Masiero or even Florence Foresti (to name a few) give the reply. Over the years, Toni’s mother has been able to surprise her audience with her countless film projects. Comedy is his hobby!

Over time, she also learned to balance her career and her private life with panache. “I didn’t want children, I thought that in an artist’s life there is no place for education. So I have been fighting for fifteen years to pursue my career without screwing up my life as a mother too much, ” revealed the ex-girlfriend of Julien Mairesse. On a daily basis, Florence Foresti loves to entertain the gallery. “Afterwards, I can be serious for a few minutes, like in a cops meeting. I hold on a little, and then there’s a moment when I’m going to let go ‘well, between us, the mouth of the letterboxes, we don’t give a damn, don’t we?’ »revealed the actress GQMagazine. “And there, if it’s not laughing, I’m not well and I disappear. No joke, life saddens me.

His apartment visited by criminals

In any case, the love of his fans remains his greatest reward. “I am full of gratitude for the public who are always there. It’s extraordinary, it’s my joy, “ assured the main concerned in the columns of the Parisian. But in 2012, Florence Foresti experienced a terrible misadventure which she would have done well without… An event that she never mentioned publicly.

And for good reason, the artist was the victim of a burglary in his apartment located in the 3ᵉ arrondissement of Paris. The thieves would have entered his home without breaking in and would have seized his most beautiful jewels. The local reception and investigation service of the 3ᵉ arrondissement was also seized of the investigation. The amount of the loot: Not less than 20,000 euros!


to see also: “I have a little trouble there”: Florence Foresti uncomfortable live on the set of “C to you”

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