A body found by the SQ in Baie-Saint-Paul

The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) announced that it had located a body in the Saint-Urbain sector on Wednesday shortly before 10 a.m.

“In all likelihood, it could be one of two people missing in the same area since last Monday. However, the identification must be made to the satisfaction of the coroner,” the police force said in a press release published late Wednesday morning.

On Tuesday, a helicopter, drones, the Canadian Coast Guard and dozens of SQ patrol boats were used to continue the search for firefighters, swept away by the current as they lent a hand to fellow citizens in a bad position. , not far from the Gouffre river.

This search will continue in the hope of locating the second person who is still missing, spokeswoman Béatrice Dorsainville said in a press briefing.

“A lot of factors come into play,” she warned. The current is very strong; the two missing could very well have remained close, as the bodies could have moved away. »

The first body was found not far from Route 138, but the police were unable to specify how far it was from the place of its disappearance.

The body has not yet been recovered; this operation should take place later in the day, added Mme Dorsainville.

An investigation to determine the causes and circumstances surrounding this event is underway, the SQ also indicated, which says it is working in close collaboration with various partners including the Standards, Equity, Health and Safety Commission. occupational safety (CNESST).

“We have several staff on site, divers, helicopter, watercraft and land patrollers, as well as the support of the Quebec Association of Search and Rescue Volunteers,” listed Béatrice Dorsainville.

The victim’s family has, however, been notified of his plight, she added.

“Infinitely sad”

It looks serious, the Prime Minister went to meet many victims of Baie-Saint-Paul, to see the damage from the major floods that occurred at the start of the week.

“What is the hardest are the two firefighters, recognized François Legault in a brief scrum with the press. We are talking about a man in his fifties, full of good faith, who left with [sa propre embarcation] to help a couple who saw their house surrounded by water, then by a 23-year-old boy. »

“23 years old, repeated the Prime Minister after a short break. A little guy that the mayor knew well helped a lot. It is infinitely sad. »

On Tuesday, a helicopter, drones, the Canadian Coast Guard and dozens of patrollers from the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) were used to continue the search for firefighters.

Mr. Legault invited Quebecers to avoid passing judgment on what could have happened on Monday, and which led to the disappearance of the two volunteer firefighters. “It must have happened quickly,” he said. This is a situation that has evolved very quickly, so yes, we have to ask ourselves questions and we will do the necessary analyses. »

The elected official also praised the work of all the firefighters and first responders “who did not hesitate” to come to the aid of their fellow citizens since the heavy rains and during the worst of the floods and floods.

“They do essential but risky work. Obviously, we try to minimize these risks, but we can just say thank you to them for their courage, ”declared. Mr. Legault.

Support for disaster victims

The Prime Minister announced that help would be quickly offered to the disaster victims, in particular to relocate or to rebuild.

Citizens are invited to attend an information session to be held Thursday evening at 7 p.m. at the Baie-Saint-Paul arena. An hour later, another session, this time for local traders, will take place at the same location.

Psychological support will also be provided to those who need it.

“Because yes, there are two firefighters, but there are also people who have lost what they had built all their lives. They renovated it with strength, through many years, recalled Mr. Legault. There are some for whom it was a house that dated back several generations. We will be there to help them. »

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