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For several years, initiatives have been multiplying to limit the tons of plastic discharged into the oceans every day. In Marseille, Plastic Odyssey is going to sea for three years, to make its voice heard and turn this waste into fuel.
Plastic Odyssey is ready to cast offFriday September 30, to go to sea for three years and go around the world. At each step, his goal is to raise awareness of the scourge of plastic pollution. This 40-meter ship will leave Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhone) tomorrow, Saturday October 1st. “We start with Beirut (Lebanon)then we go to Alexandria (Egypt)then we go to Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco“, details Anouck Silvercrew member.
In total, the boat will travel 30 countries among the most backward in the reprocessing of plastics. The crew has easy-to-install recycling workshops. This allows them to make new items, such as tiles or cobblestones. DBy 2025, sailing catamarans could criss-cross the oceans and recover three tonnes of plastic per hour each.