A boat to rescue migrants, asteroid dust and advice for being elected delegate: news for children

A boat to rescue migrants at sea, pieces of asteroids and advice as the election of delegates approaches: this is the program for the new episode of “Salut l’info!”

Every week, the “Hi news!” podcast. tells the news to children aged 7 to 11, a production of Franceinfo radio and Astrapi magazine. Young listeners speak throughout the show: to comment on current events, ask questions, ask for advice or even tell jokes! On the microphone this week to co-present this new episode with journalist Estelle, we listen to César, 8 years old.

A boat to help migrants at sea

The news takes us aboard a boat from the humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders: it comes to the aid of migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe. Nearly 1,000 migrants have died or gone missing in the Mediterranean this summer, three times more than last summer, according to the organization Unicef ​​on Friday September 29. A crossing that can be very dangerous. Pauline from franceinfo and Agathe d’Astrapi prepared this file with the help of Clarissa, who is on board this rescue ship.

We also hear good news about the rhino population in Africa… and we discover a strange capsule from space. What does it contain? Answer this mystery by listening to the show!

Le Quart d’heure Actu: a weekly ritual to learn how to stay informed

>> To find out more, go to the Bayard education website

Le Quart d’heure news of September 29

How to be elected delegate?

At college or school, the delegate election period is approaching. In our “We tell each other everything” section, Ilann speaks on this very annoying subject: he cannot be elected delegate and asks us for advice.

No episode of “Hi the news!” without the children’s jokes! They can leave them for us all week and all year on our answering machine at 01 47 79 40 00… then listen to them on the show.

Finally, in the Salut l’info! Club, children have the freedom to speak freely to tell us about their favorite film, their favorite song or even what they prefer to do with their family. An entire program !

Good listening !

“Hey news!” was prepared for you this week by:

Estelle Faure, Agathe Guilhem, Marion Joseph, Lara Mercier and Rémi Chaurand in production

Pauline Pennanec’h and Marion Joseph as editor-in-chief

Philippe Baudouin directing

Raphaël Rasson on mixing

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