A boat builder recruits “tailor-made” trained employees in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin

Support local employment. This is the objective of the “One training, one job” system, piloted by the Normandy Region, which offers to train job seekers to the specific needs of companies, in exchange for a CDD of at least six months. 17 trainees notably joined Grand Large Yachting Manche-Atlantique, a builder specializing in ocean cruising boats in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin.

These ten job seekers, all in professional retraining, learned the trades naval carpenter and rigger. Oumice, a former cut-flower wholesaler and horticulturist, chose the first training “after hearing about the job from someone around me”. For six months, this thirty-something has been learning to work with wood “on flooring, partitions, general furniture… Really everything”.

Sabrina, she preferred to follow the training of rigger, which “is to install everything that is on the deck of a boat”. Travel agent for 17 years, she decided to convert “with Covid” and of “turn to industry”. After three months of training, for which she received 800 euros in aid per month of the Region, she began a six-month CDD at Grand Large Yachting Manche-Atlantique on July 1st. This is also what attracted Sabrina to the “One training, one job” scheme: the reassuring idea of “not just to do training but to have an almost certain job at the end”.

Overcome recruitment difficulties

Trainees trained through the “One training, one job” scheme (right). © Radio France
Margot Turgy

And the company assures us: the objective is to offer a permanent contract to the 17 internswhose training was financed by the Region to the tune of 120,000 euros. “The demand is so strong, especially for the profession of naval carpenter, that it is very difficult to recruit”explains the recruitment officer for Grand Large Yachting Manche-Atlantique, Pauline Troadec-Lalande. “And on fittings, there is no specific training in the Cherbourg sector. There”thanks to the device, “it’s tailor-made training to really meet our professions”.

The arrival of these new employees will also make it possible to respond to the growth of the manufacturer: “Our order book is full for 3 years”underlines the general manager Marc d’Arbigny. “Over the past 18 months, we have doubled the production workforce, and we are still looking for around fifteen people”, he adds. Grand Large Yachting Manche-Atlantique considering renewing the device “One training, one job”, with the aim of subsequently hiring eight marine electricians.

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